
A list of some of my personal, professional and university projects.

Collaboration Platform for StudentsCollaboration Platform for Students
Collaboration Platform for StudentsA desktop application for organising events, communicating with professors and students, and sharing documents.
HexaChess - Multiplayer Online GameHexaChess - Multiplayer Online Game
HexaChess - Multiplayer Online GameA chess variant played on a hexagonal board. The game was developed with React and Node.js and was a personal project to learn more about WebSockets.
Orbital Edge ImagingOrbital Edge Imaging
Orbital Edge ImagingProof-of-concept web application for a (fictional) startup that enables users to search the company's API using a specified Area of Interest.
Portfolio & BlogPortfolio & Blog
Portfolio & BlogMy personal website. It's also a blog where I write about programming and technology.
TypeRacer - React GameTypeRacer - React Game
TypeRacer - React GameUsing various text sources such as APIs, this project presents a single-player version of the popular typing game TypeRacer.
Converter - Progressive Web AppConverter - Progressive Web App
Converter - Progressive Web AppA simple unit converter that works offline and can be installed as a PWA.
University Marketing PlatformUniversity Marketing Platform
University Marketing PlatformEvaluation and implementation of a marketing platform for universities